Mission and Vission
- Empowering medical doctors trained in pre and paraclinical specialities
- Enhancing the standard of medical education/training
- Promoting medical sciences for the benefits of patients and society.
- Leadership and raising voice for medical doctors in pre and para clinical specialities
- Promoting the career opportunities /advancement of its members and solving its related challenges
- Interaction with government and regulatory bodies(MCI) to solve the challenges faced by pre and para clinical doctors.
- Assistance (legal/moral/administrative) to medical doctors with pre and para clinical specialities
- Helping government and regulatory bodies in development of policies/laws related to the pre and para clinical sciences
- Development of teaching and training modules to raise the standard of medical education and training
- Organizing seminars/training sessions/meetings /workshops/symposium to meet its objectives
- Publication of printed and online materials i.e. journals /guidelines/ protocols books in concerned specialty.