
Why we Aipcma should not support Ayushman Bharat scheme
1. Its physician and surgeon centric scheme. There is percentage commission to treating team of doctors, nurses, even clerks but there is nothing for lab reporting. They have kept out lab reporters and are not considering lab physician as consultants.
2. AB scheme will give cost of reagents only
3. They are giving percentage to only clinical team of doctors
4.PSM people who are giving lectures on preventive health do not get considered as consultants just like doctors working in laboratory, but radiologist, even MSc Psychology persons ,Psychologist, Audiometry technicians, Anaesthesia technician’s will get considered, get renumeration
5.Seems to be anti pre and para clinical specialities subjects primafacie, physician cantered, and PSM specialist must not support this scheme unless idiotic lacunae are corrected
6. Till that juncture, till Ayushman Bharat scheme highest authority namely health authority of India alters scheme we must not help ,we must write letters, we must write article in lab journals all over the world else again we have been pushed to dog’s as usual
Dr Srininiwas MD(Biochemistry)
Professor and HOD Biochemistry,
Gadag institute of medical sciences,Mallasamudra, Gadag,Karnataka