Message of President

The role of pre and para clinical subjects and people of these branches has been remarkable in the development of modern medical science, but misnomers like “non clinical” have been prefixed with them. But actually none of the subject of medical science is “non clinical” nor the study of these subjects can be separated from clinical knowledge and it’s correlations. Gone are the days when the doctors were symbolic with a person surrounded by crowd of patients with stethoscopes around neck and an injection in the hand. Today’s pre and paraclinical specialists are involved in a wide range of activities and contributing actively to the development of medical scieences. With the development of medical sciences earlier clinical sciences or pre and para clinical sciences developed too and number of doctors specialization in these branches has increased at enormous rate.

​AIPCMA is fast developing its networks of members who help to ensure that we are representing the voices of medical teachers /experts /consultants/ scientists and post graduates students whom we represent.

As a president of this unique organization I offer my very best compliment and well-wishes to the faculty, consultants, experts , scientists and students who are having a greater impact on the public’s health and wellness more than ever before.

Long live AIPCMA
Abhinav Purohit